Thursday, January 3, 2013

close it up

stood up too fast

 the mileage run at end-of-year was a success.  Alaska MVP Gold! 

 on the short-trip last month, i was able to uncover a few flaws (one a day) and provide guidance on several items.  focus has shifted from exterior to interior as paint, roof, windows and gutters are all in and look great.

 dryvit under the eaves will be 481 Clay color, an off-white that will bring together the white vents, copper fascia and trim. 

small dryvit sample at bottom left

on the inside, the cedar ceiling went up first (while still in rough stage), and looks better than i expected.  two coats of clear will bring out the grain and darken it a bit (as you can see in the first two pics below).  upgrading from STK to clear grade turned out to be a real crowd-pleaser.

 drywall was hung in december and finished tape just this week.  the garage painted SW 7506 Loggia over the xmas holiday.  Loggia is a warm neutral that complements the exterior Tiki Hut final color.
garage (unpainted)

guest bedrooms will be painted shades from Sherwin-Williams card #29, with "Thunderous" for the headboard wall.  initial bedroom palette choices were driven by tile colors and tones, which was only a medium degree of difficulty.  the public living area colors will require a more complex visualization.
living room
 extended detailed dialogues in each bathroom with the tile contractor was exhausting, but rewarding in the end.  tile is like tatooing your house..  you better like what you're putting on because it's permanent.  you can remove it, but it's gonna cost a lot of money, and cause some pain.  the tile guy is leaving the country for a month on 1/15/13, so it's my hope he can get a good start between today (AZ tile expected on-site today) and the 15th.

 back on kaua'i in ten days; this time with The Boss.

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