Friday, May 11, 2012

now dig this

 still no progress on closing the loan from the bank.  i was requested to send a letter to FHB's legal department on my authority to indebt the property to a mortgage since the property is held in my revocable trust.  holding property in trust is common, and i have not had this requirement in any of my mortgages or re-financing; and, mortgaging property by the trustee (me) is standard probate law.  might be an interstate thing since this is HI and the trust is CA.  but, more likely a delay tactic.

 house footprint has been scraped and recently dug out this week.  i'm encouraged by the large amount of dirt visible, available for re-use to slope grade away from the front-of-house and mound-up the rear for a gentle step down.  also need some earth to flatten out the edge where the pali falls down steeply.

looking north
looking south
elevated, looking south